EDR's Workplace Mediation Program is a confidential, fair, and voluntary process in which neutral, impartial mediators assist Virginia state employees in exploring potential joint resolutions to their workplace conflicts.
The mediators aid the participants in making decisions together, based on an understanding of their own views, the other's views, and the situation they face.
Workplace mediation offers the opportunity to improve employee morale and teamwork, enhance work performance and productivity, and develop the skills necessary to resolve future disputes in a safe, non-judgmental environment. It is recognized as a crucial
and cost-effective tool towards resolving some of the most common and difficult conflicts, including those involving:
- Communication Difficulties
- Trust and Respect Concerns
- Personality Clashes
- Misunderstanding of Work Expectations
- Differences is Management and Work Styles
What is EDR's role in providing workplace mediation?
EDR provides two, three, and four-party mediations statewide and free of charge for any state employee of the Commonwealth of Virginia. For two, three, or four-party mediations, EDR will work with an agency's mediation coordinator to schedule one or
two trained and certified mediator(s) at the mediation participants' preferred location.
For group facilitations that involve five or more participants, please contact EDR's Director of Workplace Conflict at (804) 225-2992 to obtain additional information regarding eVA vendors who provide group facilitation services to Virginia state agencies.
Please note that mediation will not affect an employee's grievance rights where the parties have agreed in writing to extend the time requirements of the grievance procedure. For more information regarding grievance rights, please contact EDR's AdviceLine
at 1(888) 232-3842.