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Featured Programs and Highlights

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2025 Internships

Are you a student eager to gain valuable experience with the Commonwealth? The COVA Internship Connection is excited to announce the launch of Summer 2025 Internship opportunities! Don’t miss out—visit the Virginia Jobs and COVA Internship Connection websites today. Learn more.

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Financial Wellness

The Employee Financial Wellness Program provides resources to help state employees achieve financial independence. Make sure your financial wellness is a priority. Check out the financial education offerings and resources for February!

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Employee Assistance Program

The stressors of life and work can be overwhelming, and finding support for coping with these challenges can be difficult. For assistance, as an enrolled health plan member under the State Health Benefits program, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides the necessary resources needed to help with reducing stress and living with a mental health issue. Learn more about EAP...

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Upcoming Events and Activities

  • February 2025 Financial Wellness Program


    Management has to identify priorities depending on their mission and the financial situation of the agency. Most management decisions are based on the financial position of the agency. Limited funding may be available, and the safety officer must be able to compete for his/her share. To compete for these dollars, the safety officer should be able to speak to management in financial terms and prioritize needs that provide the most benefit for the least amount of economic impact. This course will give the participants strategies that will help raise awareness of the economic benefit of supporting a strong safety effort.


    This training class will provide an overview of the provisions of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z-10-2005 standard and provide helpful tips on how an agency can assess their current compliance level and then measure progress as they work toward full compliance. ANSI Z10 principles are compatible with standards such as International Standards Organization (ISO) and they provide organizations with an effective tool for continual improvement of their workplace safety and health systems.


    This program covers the basics of Industrial Hygiene (IH) with class discussion centering on identification, evaluation, and control of potential exposures including fly ash from power plants, lead paint, asbestos, and indoor air quality.