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Featured Programs and Highlights

Male touching reaching to touch his back

CommonHealth Back On Track

If you suffer from back pain, you’re not alone. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the United States. See more...

Table with laptop and notebook and pens

Financial Wellness

The Employee Financial Wellness Program provides resources to help state employees achieve financial independence. Make sure your financial wellness is a priority. Check out the financial education offerings and resources here!

Logo for Commonwealth Mentorship Program

The Commonwealth Mentorship Program

Coming Soon! The Commonwealth Mentorship Program (CMP),  for mentoring state employees. Virtual information session will be held on July 24. See details.

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Upcoming Events and Activities

  • July 2024 Financial Wellness Program

  • New Safety Officer Training

    This full day course is designed to provide all the basic skill training needed by agency personnel newly assigned to the duties of Agency Safety Officer. Topics included will be the basics of safety, an introduction to the OSHA Act and how it affects state agencies, how to set priorities and goals using trend analysis, conducting safety audits, and accident investigations.

  • OSHA 10 General Industry Course

    This 1 1/2-day course provides a short version of the national curriculum developed by the OSHA training institute. Topics vary, depending on the needs of the attendees, but will include OSHA compliance and recordkeeping, personal protective equipment, hazcom, and emergency preparedness. (Note: Must attend the first day and the morning of the second session to complete the 10 hours required.)

  • OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Course

    OSHA 30-Hour – This course is based on a national curriculum developed by the U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA, and specially adapted for the needs of employees of the Commonwealth. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to interpret, understand, and implement OSHA requirements at the agency level. Topics range from a discussion of how the Virginia OSHA Program (VOSH) regulates state agencies to technical topics of interest in a variety of work situations. This will complete the rest of the schedule for the week. (Note: Must attend all 4 days.)

  • OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Course

    This course is based on a national curriculum developed by the U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA, and specially adapted for the needs of employees of the Commonwealth. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to interpret, understand, and implement OSHA requirements at the agency level. Topics range from a discussion of how the Virginia OSHA Program (VOSH) regulates state agencies to technical topics of interest in a variety of work situations. This will complete the rest of the schedule for the week. (Note: Must attend all 4 days.)

  • Root Cause Analysis

    This presentation will reveal how to find and correct causative factors as they pertain to accidents in the workplace. Rarely one root cause is the culprit in a given accident. To properly correct and prevent future incidents all root causes must be identified and corrected.

  • Driver Safety: A Crash Course in Accident Prevention

    The program is designed to be used at agency facilities to review strategies and tactics for safe drivers and provide tips on how to prevent vehicle crashes.

  • Driver Safety: A Crash Course in Accident

    The program is designed to be used at agency facilities to review strategies and tactics for safe drivers and provide tips on how to prevent vehicle crashes.

  • General Storage Safety

    Improper storage of materials and chemicals can lead to injuries to staff members as well as property damage. This course will identify common storage problems and demonstrate the proper way to store material and chemicals. This course is based on relevant standard information found in the 29 CFR 1910 General Industry standards.

  • The Unique Standards of Virginia

    The Unique Standards of Virginia was developed to educate new safety officers and others on the Unique Standards of the Commonwealth of Virginia. These standards are not found in the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA).

  • Hearing Conservation: Can you hear me now?

    This course will provide participants with an understanding of factors that contribute to employee hearing loss including work with heavy equipment, power plant machinery, groundskeeping tools, and other sources of high decibel noise. Attendees will learn how to identify hazardous environments and options available to protect employees for various decibel ratings.

  • Respiratory Protection: Is Your Program The Right Fit?

    Many employees work in positions that require them to wear respirators to protect them from vapors, fumes, dust or other air contaminants. Respiratory Protection is a major requirement of the OSHA/VOSH standards, and an up-to-date program is essential for any agency that requires employees to wear respirators.

  • PPE: Are You Making The Best Selection?

    Do you know what personal protective equipment is appropriate for your employees? What exactly will this equipment protect them from? What factors should be considered when making PPE selections? If any of these questions have ever crossed your mind or if they’ve been asked within your agency, this class is for you. Cost effective solutions that provide the best for your employees, while working within budget restrictions, is achievable.

  • ANSI Z10: Integrating Safety Into Business Management Systems

    This training class will provide an overview of the provisions of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z-10-2005 standard and provide helpful tips on how an agency can assess their current compliance level and then measure progress as they work toward full compliance.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens: Understanding And Preventing Exposures In The Workplace

    This class is designed to help employers identify the risks associated with these exposures, how to prevent them, and how to properly dispose of items contaminated with BBPs or OPIMs. Attendees will leave with an overview of BBPs, first aid, tips for addressing contractors and visitors, the key components of an effective exposure control plan, and available resources to assist with creating a comprehensive exposure control plan.

  • OSHA 10 And 30 General Industry Course

    We understand that it is difficult to get away from work for 4 full days of training. That is why we are offering a Combination course. The people that can attend all 4 days will be able to complete an OSHA 30 Hour course. If you are unable to get away for all 4 days you can complete the first day and the morning session of the second day you will be able to obtain the OSHA 10 Certification. Please see below for a course description for each program.

  • OSHA 10 And 30 General Industry Course

    OSHA 10-Hour - This 1 1/2-day course provides a short version of the national curriculum developed by the OSHA training institute. Topics vary, depending on the needs of the attendees, but will include OSHA compliance and recordkeeping, personal protective equipment, hazcom, and emergency preparedness. (Note: Must attend the first day and the morning of the second session to complete the 10 hours required.)

  • Near Misses, Can We Predict The Future?

    This course defines what a near miss is and what is a near miss program. It will demonstrate how an effective near miss program can prevent catastrophic incidents, taking your safety program from reactive to proactive. In addition, you will learn how an effective near miss program can lower your incident rate and boost worker morale by making your workplace safer. 

  • Slips, Trips, And Falls Prevention

    Slips, trips and falls injuries are one of the leading causes of employee injury for the Commonwealth of Virginia. This course is designed to educate employees on the prevention of injuries associated with slips, trips and falls.