EDR Forms and Resources
Grievance Procedure
Workplace Conflict Consultation
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To promote a better understanding of the grievance procedure and a consistent application of its rules, as well as state and agency policy, the General Assembly has mandated that the Office of Employment Dispute Resolution ("EDR") publish its rulings and hearing officer decisions. To achieve an appropriate balance between a citizen's right to access records of governmental activities and the privacy concerns of individuals, EDR will publish all rulings and hearing officer decisions in a manner that seeks to preserve personal privacy. To this end, EDR will not include the names of grievants, witnesses, agency representatives, or other individuals in published rulings and hearing officer decisions. EDR occasionally makes minor, non-material modifications to hearing decisions and rulings for compelling reasons related to issues such as security or privacy.
Rulings and hearing decisions are available in the list links below or you may enter your search criteria in the search box below.
View Listing of Hearings || View Listing of Rulings