Please use our online filing system* and follow the instructions below to ensure that we receive your complaint.
- Visit our website and follow the instructions for “How to File a Discrimination Due to a Conflict of Interest”
- Click here to complete EEO Conflict of Interest.
- Complete all sections denoted with an asterisk (*).
- Please upload any Supporting Documentation that may assist us in determining acceptance of your complaint.
- Please provide a signature to affirm that the information you shared is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
Once your complaint has been submitted, no further action is required by you. Personnel from the D&I Unit will review your complaint and notify you of your complaint status. If you have questions, you may contact us at (804) 225-2136 or 1-800-533-1414.
You can also email our Office at
* OWE will no longer accept mailed or paper complaint forms. All forms should be completed and submitted online. If you require assistance, please contact our Office.
Please note that filing with the Commonwealth does not preclude you from filing a complaint federally with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
In the State of Virginia, an individual has 300 days from the date of alleged discriminatory incident(s) to file a charge with the EEOC against an employer with 15 or more employees for discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, genetic information, and/or disability.
In the State of Virginia, an individual has 300 days from the date of alleged harm to file a charge with the EEOC against a private, city or county employer with 20 or more employees for discrimination based on age.